Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd
He was many things: esteemed pilot, Medal Of Honor winner, Arctic pioneer, logistical expert. However Byrd’s legacy is most known for efforts exploring the Antarctic. After a career in the United States Navy and service in the First World War, Richard Evelyn Byrd Jr would fly into history as a groundbreaking aviator, explorer and director…
Under the hood – the mighty mechanics at the heart of the Hägglund
Throughout history horses, huskies, tractors and snowmobiles have all been put to use going from A to B in Antarctica. But when you want to move cargo in the most demanding of conditions the most reliable way is in these Swedish-made over-snow vehicles. Driving out from base in the Antarctic is always carefully managed. In…
Captain Robert Falcon Scott
Captain Scott is known for beating and in turn being beaten by the perils of the Antarctic. The histories of Antarctica and Captain Robert Falcon Scott will forever be intertwined, his story inspiring and cautionary, stirring and tragic. Scott’s Discovery expedition in 1901 had discovered a vast and incredibly challenging landscape. That journey made the…
Ernest Shackleton
The spirit of the ‘Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration’ was epitomised in the man named Shackleton. Early Antarctic explorer Sir Raymond Priestley described the strength of his peers by saying, “Scott for scientific method, Amundsen for speed and efficiency but when disaster strikes and all hope is gone, get down on your knees and pray…
Covering the bases – our 4 favourite fictional antarctic hideouts
From H.P Lovecraft’s Mountains of Madness to Shiverpool’s surfing penguins, authors have always been inspired by Antarctica as a realm of adventure and mystery. That’s why, after the recent hullabaloo about ‘secret Nazi ice bases’, we wanted to share our picks for the most interesting imaginary Antarctic bases. 1) The Fortress of Solitude It’s moved a few times between the Arctic, Antarctic, the Amazon, outer space and other locations, which makes the location of Superman’s hideout up for debate. We think the Antarctic is the perfect spot for Clark Kent’s ‘off-grid fixer-upper’ bach too. After all, it wouldn’t be much of a secret base if he had a letterbox outside – and the commutes not so bad when travelling at super-speed. 2) Atlantis There has been plenty of conjecture about where the mythical city of Atlantis actually is. The makers…
Team players – our support for local sports and good sorts
If there’s anywhere in the world that teaches the importance of community, it’s Antarctica. In our little slice of the Antarctic we know what it’s like to work in a great team. That’s why we appreciate the local groups that work hard to support and nurture Christchurch youth. It is amazing what community leaders…
Douglas Mawson
Mawson was more than a man devoted to scientific exploration; he was also the hero of one of the Antarctic’s most extraordinary tales of lone survival. Sir Douglas Mawson’s first taste of the Antarctic was as a 26-year-old geologist aboard Sir Ernest Shackleton’s 1907-1909 Nimrod expedition. It was on this journey that Mawson would first…
Roald Amundsen
On the 14th of December, 1911, an intrepid Norwegian explorer took humanity to the South Pole. The first man to arrive at the South Pole was renowned for his keen intellect and ruthless efficiency. You don’t travel through the world’s most testing environment to arrive at this point by accident. Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen…
A fresh online experience – our new look website is ready. Dive on in!
A considerable amount of work has gone in behind the scenes developing our online presence recently. But now we think it’s been kept on ice long enough. Welcome to our new website. We hope you enjoy searching around the new site. We’re all very proud of the new look and want to thank the…